Wednesday, September 30, 2009

new adventure

We askt God if he whants us in spain. We askt him if he would speak the same things as we enterd portugal 4 years ago. A confirmation if we really had to enter that region with rain.

The first time in portugal it didnt rain for 2 years and when we enterd we could go with boat over the properties. This time in alicante , it raint till today for 2 weeks with a few breaks but monday 100 liters on a square meter fell down from heaven. All records has been broken. The max ammount off water this region ever had whas 70 liters square meter 4 years ago. With a very bad time and hailballs that killed a lot off the palm threes in the region. Before the rain really came, i felt the lord say. I will send my rain as a sign for my grace for that region, i told a local belgium man,that i wouldnt be suprised the rain would pour out when we came living here, because this is one off the most dry regions off europe. Normally it rains 5 to 8 days a year.

So here we are, we rented a villa for 6 mounths as a starter house . We will look arround, connect with peopel and see what the lord whants. Its always a challenge to go with the wind.

When i whas thinking about Gods grace as the rain came, is that it challenges everything manmade. The water take's over everything, it go's everywhere it whants. Or walls can not stop it, it floods every house as no respector off persons. So is it with Gods grace , when we see it we will know it. Because its not manmade, its no respector off persons, its for every house, it takes over all we trusted in. We dont have to advertise rain, so is it with Gods grace. When it comes we ALL get soakt whet. So i dont have to pray for revival or grace, it would be unbelief. We can stand in it and boldly live it. As the religiues mind can not have it , the blessings that comes with it. I witness, that it is only Gods goodness that leads to repentance. Not mans effort, not his worship, not his praying. HIS suffering that took the curse for us so we could live his blessed state he whas walking out in this world. Its only waking up to such a goodness that leads us to thankfullness and worship, not the other way arround. I hear rummors in belgium that peopel are goiing after Gods voice. WAW , that makes me happy. So when we start dooing that, many will be suprised. The way off experience opens up for them, no more living secondhand, but all will have there testimony. No more ego trippers , no mor one man show. The body off believers depending on Gods voice and eachother to do the job. Getting her feeds dirty, in culture, in every day life. We love you all.

Live the blessed life

yves and regina

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