Monday, November 30, 2009

catral spain

hey to all,

we been on a new raid next the coast off catral for 35 km. Its whas hard in trot and galop for most off the time. We realise how intensif this must be too be on a 80 or 120 km raid.
The horses did very well and where still fit at the end. We are preparing to come back to belgium for a long time, and to work there again in business. We felt the last time ,we where needed there to help and teach some friends. For or friend franky and his friends on the streets. As hard as addictions are, with jesus there is always a way out. And franky is doiing very well he came down with methadon for allmost half. After praying for him the last time in his appartment , the power off God get him and demons where leaving him. After that he whas looking differant out his eyes. Even the peopel who didnt know what happent the day after askt him what whas differant about him. Since that day he is improving in every way off his life. In small steps, but goiing for it.
This guys do not find real answers in church as it is today, they are hungry for the power off God. And for the presence off his spirit , they experience it on the street and find he is out the church. They do not understand the differance yet , religion and man appointed leadership or a vivid relation with the spirit that gives us ALL a place and a function in a regional Body off believers. Im so sick off thinking the church is the goal, it is NOT. The church is a means to an other goal ? Yes we need curch, but curch is a training center for real life. And it can have many forms and models.
I remember the vineyard , in those years they teach us that church whas a hospital, school, family, and military camp for training for WAR. War against the rulers who imprison peopels lifes through sin and corruption, entertainment, control , sickness and so on.
I know its not simpel and we dont have all the answers, but we have the spirit that makes intercession in and for us; all the time. So we have a place, to take for and with others.
We realise this as never before. We can live for ourselves, but it will never give any fullfillment.
Jesus has a very special way to teach us that in granting to go through many ways off life.
I think at that scripture that says, those who lose there life for mine sake will find it. And the longer i live the more i find this is right. Its oke to make mistakes, and we made a lot off them. But this is a way to learn, to hear from God, to minister to the sick and broken. And im happy scripture says or prophecying isnt perfect. So nobody can blame nobody, at least there is growing and increase, a changing to someting differant. So it is for all off us, religion is a trap off satan.
You are stuck with no change at all. You only see it when the years go bye, those you left behind. There whas no glory given to change to, and ohh we need that glory to see in the spirit.
When there is no revelation no one changes, there is no growth.
So its all up to the Holy spirit that appoints us, gives us , reveal us and leads us.
Its the obediance to the Holy spirit that makes all the differance in fruitfullness and change.
Its hard , but its the only way. We cant controle , manage, organise it. We have to trust, listen and follow all to come togheter . And in practice its looks stupid to or minds who whant to understand first before moving. Because or minds are fixed upon the natural. I read an articel this week that says.
Materialism has been tought simply to be the acumulation of goods. Altough it includes that, it is much more. I can own nothing and still be materialistic. I can whant nothing and still be materialistic because materialism is faith in the natural as the superior reality.
And there needs to be a shift. We come from the flesh ( natural) to be born in the spirit ( superior ) And the journey is living in both off them, without ignoring any reality.
So to have church only with the mind and principels will help us to a level, but we need to make a shift and upgrade to other levels off faith and living by his presence. I dont say church is bad , or denominations are bad, they did well til now. But we need to move on. IM the church where ever i go there is the church and there is God through his spirit. We need to change focus , its all here all ready. The KINGDOM is here, right now, just step in it and recive and walk it out. The Holy spirit will only supply what is needed , you have to take dominion over sickness in prayer and laying on off hands to see it happen. And tap in to Gods KINGDOM TO BRING HIS REALITY in to the natural where there is no sickness or lack off anything.
Last week we where heavy in Gods presence, and we experienced again after a long time what it whas do be in no lack off hunger and thirst off anything. All the natural looks grey in the eyes off GODS REALITY. And this is truth, be blessed. And see ye soon in belgium.
We need a house or farm with stabels and 1 or 2 hectare minimum off land for 5 horses so if you know a property to rent, let us know.

yves and regina

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